This information applies to version 4.0.23 and later.
It is now possible to rank individual thumbnails so that they can be organised dynamically. The highest rank (1) will be placed at the top and the lowest rank (largest number) will be placed at the bottom when grouped by rank. When thumbnails are linked to a record, it is unranked by default, which will be placed below all ranked thumbnails when grouped by rank.
Setting ranks
Once a thumbnail has been linked to a record, there are two ways to rank the record. The first is through the toolbar:

and the second is by right-clicking on the thumbnail:

In both cases there are three options for setting ranks.
- Rank Set as Primary
- Rank Promote
- Rank Demote
Rank Set as Primary
This will rank the thumbnail as (1) and demote all other thumbnails by 1 rank.
Rank Promote
This will move the rank of the thumbnail up by 1.
Rank Demote
This will move the rank of the thumbnail down by 1.
Modified 17/09/2018 by emilypennifold