LibraryLink uses ThumbsPlus®, developed by Cerious Software, to provide comprehensive image and document management. ThumbsPlus allows LibraryLink users to keep track of files using a database which is commonly referred to as a “catalogue”. Once files have been catalogued with ThumbsPlus they become visible in LibraryLink and can be linked to database records and GIS objects.
ThumbsPlus can be opened directly from a desktop shortcut or can be started from LibraryLink, by users with a LibraryLink Editor licence, by clicking the “Start ThumbsPlus” button on the LibraryLink toolbar or by activating the main menu option “Edit ► Start ThumbsPlus”.
Uncatalogued files are displayed as a document icon bearing a large red cross.
Files can be individually selected or a number of files can be selected using the Shift and Control keys. Selected files can be catalogued using the button
on the toolbar . Alternatively all the files in the current folder can be catalogued by clicking on the Scan Folder button, or all the files in the current folder plus all of its sub-folders by clicking on the Scan Tree button. See Cataloguing files for further information.
Once files have been catalogues it is good practice to add metadata. This will describe the content and make it easier to find the files in both LibraryLink and ThumbsPlus.
Modified 22/09/2016