LibraryLink Web Service Change Log

1.4.2 (released 20/03/2024)

#16 Optimised SQL queries behind the GetFileInfoByXGTypeAndXGKeyWithURLS  to improve behaviour when sync'ing with CAMS Mobile.

1.4.1 (released 16/07/2019)

Compatibility with LibraryLink version 4. Plus:

#10 Removed redundant code for MS Access and ODBC databases.

#8 Added new method to fetch a single image.

#7 & #9 Added new GetTopNByRank... methods that use the new xgRank value. There are two variants that either include or exclude unranked records.

#6 Added the new xgRank field into service responses.

#4 & #5 Improved PutFile method to work with LibraryLink version 4 schema and automatically populate these fields on cataloguing: populates the idFiletype, gamma, colortype & colordepth

#3 Prevented the service returning bad XML when the database contains invalid characters.

#2 Improved error log filenames.

1.3.9 (released 22/05/2017)

[33201] Added configuration setting "PublishOriginalFiles" to control whether the original file is retained in the LLFilePath folder. When this is enabled, mew metadata is added to the XML responses about the original file URL.

[33055] & [33195] Fixed issue where image files that were not in one of the formats specified in "allowedOutputImageExtensions" (e.g. TIFF) were not being correctly saved as the file type specified by "defaultOutputImageExtension" (usually "jpg" i.e. JPEG).

[33058] Moved UserFields data into child element <userfields> when using SQL Server (matching the XML when the DB is a TD4). Warning: applications that have used LLWS against a SQL Server database AND have made use of user fields data in presentation, will need to make minor changes when upgrading to this version.

1.3.6 (released 01 July 2016)

[31468] Fixed issue where validation of the domain sending a PutFile request could fail if the sender's hostaddress reports as an i.p. address.

1.3.5 (released 29 April 2016)

[29626] Fixed bug that could result in failure to fetch original files in some web methods.

[29510] Added filtering of responses using a configured query when using a TD4 database (in similar manner to existing SQL Server method).

[29406] Added PutFile method for submitting new images plus metadata and record links into the catalogue.

[28273] Fixed bug where the returned URL from various Get... methods could contain doubled-up "/".

[26586] Return version information from assembly instead of an app setting.

1.2.0 (released 20th May 2014)

[21994] Removed dependency on ImageMagick for resizing images and watermarking - work now done in .Net code.

[20116] Files can now be retrieved from the database, instead of by file copy or FTP. This required correct configuration in LibraryLink 3.1x or higher to clone media files into the database.

[20117] The set of publishable files available through the web service API can now be restricted using a customisable view. Any logical criteria can be used.

1.1.0 (released 15th August 2011)

[16952] Fixed issue where the refreshing of thumbnails in the server file cache could fail.

[16593] Fixed issue where the service could return incorrect paths if resizing had failed.

[16954] Add methods for clearing the server file cache, by id and by key/type, or the whole cache.

1.0.0 (released 07th Feb 2011)

Original release.

Modified 20/03/2024 by Crispin Flower
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